

What happened to FRESH?

So a while back FRESH used to mean different, standing out from a crowd, cool. The FRESHest kid on the block was the one that could throw some crazy ish together and make it look rad; but then fresh changed, it became media driven and brands were out guerilla marketing like beasts. So now kids got this idea that you're not cool if you don't wear name brands like Abercrombie & Fitch, Ed Hardy, Nike, Aeropostale,  Bebe, etc. you get it. It's like the opposite of "FRESH" now, it's like "Oh hey look at me I am one in a billion wearing the same ish everybody else is". Basically you are paying a lot of money to look like a carbon copy of someone else. Stop the non-sense, get you some scissors, a sewing kit, don't be afraid to tear some ish up. Don't be afraid to mix different colors or designs. You got a lot of t-shirts? Re-craft them, add hats to your wardrobe, go GOODWILL hunting, point is just get creative and have fun! Style is a creative expresssion of who you are and isn't just applied, it permeates.

Just a couple of my favorite, FRESH, stylish folks:

Vashtie Kola


Eva Mendes

If you don't know you better ask somebody

Jackie O

Elizabeth Taylor

Andre 3000

Rachel Roy

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