

Value your loved ones~

I am usually not so candid with what is going on with my life; however I feel like if I can help someone by sharing my story then my life has meaning.

My close friends know this story but it is one worth repeating. Short start to the story...about 8 1/2 years ago my Father was diagnosed with cancer of the liver, he got really ill and it was detrimental that he get a new liver. My Dad and I have the same blood type so without hesitation I gave him half of mine. The transplant was a SUCCESS! In fact he never felt better.

Now here we are today and since May of this year his health is taking a decline. I am usually so positive with my blog but this realization is taking a toll on me. This Wednesday I will be accompanying my Dad to a liver evaluation, they have already told him he needs to get on the donor list. They will also be running tests to see the severity of his liver.

So with this said...I ask you, please keep him in prayer. He is not just a Dad he is my Father. The kind of Father that was always there fore me, to love and guide me, make me feel secure and special.

Also, please remember to love, value and respect each other. Tell your family and friends you love them more, better yet show them.
Thank you,


My Daddy used to sing the verse "When it's cold outside, I got the month of May", because I am his May baby girl.

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