

Thought Provoker Thursday~

AMBITION~While visiting in a nearby city I was shown an unfinished mansion. A retired capitalist had planned to spend the remainder of his days in this luxurious home, but death ended his dream and deprived him of achieving his ambition. For eighty years no workman had scaled the scaffolds; no sounds of hammers heard. There was no sight of life save except one black crow perched on the summit of an unfinished spire. What a tragedy, but one frequently enacted in human life, and so that unfinished house stood amidst those stately pines as the symbol to me of unfulfilled ambition; a monument to the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death. A silent message urging us to strive not for the things which are seen, but for the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. ~Laws

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